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San Giovanni is one of Rome’s most densely populated districts where the Lateran Palace and the Basilica of St. John in Lateran (Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano) both take centre stage.

It is known all throughout the country because in the large square lying next to the Basilica, a popular concert is held every 1st May during which a number of Italian and foreign bands and singers are invited to perform.

Adjacent to the Basilica is the Scala Santa (Holy Stairs), the 28 steps traditionally identified as those climbed by Jesus in Pontius Pilate’s palace in Jerusalem. They lead up to the Sancta Sanctorum (or Chapel of San Lorenzo) where some of Christianity’s most treasured relics are preserved.

Let us not forget that the district of San Giovanni also boasts one of the best known shopping streets in the city offering interesting prices, the Via Appia Nuova as well as the lively clothes market open every morning, except Sundays, in Via Sannio where some real bargains are to be found! The images refer to places in the immediate vicinity of the B & B Re di Roma


  ...the neighborhood: Appio - San Giovanni area